Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Utah Portion of our UT/ID Trip

We had a jam-packed agenda while in Utah! The boys did great being always 'on the go' and only had a difficult time once we were home and there was no one left to play with and nothing on the itinerary.

A trip to Hogle Zoo with Uncle James, Aunt Marilyn, and Aunt Melissa.

Camping with all of the Clark Family. German really wanted to help grandpa set up his tent.

We saved on car-space by not packing a tent, which made for some really tight sleeping!

The boys loved this creek, which was really high and fast! Of course, Scotland was the most interested- he is all boy!

While hiking, Joshua discovered a cave with an entrance just big enough for him to fit.

Provo's annual balloon launch with the Joel Hallbergs. Probably not Joel's favorite morning:)

The nostalgic tour of BYU. (They're redoing the bathrooms next to the LRC, my former place of employment. These are the couches in the bathroom/lounge area where I took many good naps. It was sad to see them on their way out!) We also enjoyed a nice visit and lunch with Joshua's great-aunt, Eleanor.

After a delicious steak with our former mission president, we headed to the West Jordan Rodeo. Our boys have really been into cowboys and rodeos lately, so we thought they'd really enjoy it.

Fourth of July parade, games, and fireworks with the Joel Hallbergs. Plus some yummy food and homemade ice cream and root beer with all of the Clark Family.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Don't worry Juice...he's gotten over it...I just hope you guys will forgive the things that may have been uttered in frustration. :) We sure enjoyed having you guys around!