Thursday, July 21, 2011

German's First Day of Kindergarten

I know it's early, but German started school today!

(Once it gets hot, there's nothing else to do, but go to school! Plus, he gets extra long fall, winter, and spring breaks - when it's not 117 degrees outside.)

Some of the first day highlights:

  • The Fish Tank - contains cat sharks, zebra eels, and a puffer fish

  • Playing on the playground

  • A mouse game and sitting on the rug


Angie said...

Syd is SOOOO excited now! Congrats German!

Marily said...

I heard he has the same teacher Dallin did. We loved her last year! Hopefully we'll run into you guys at a school event sometime. :)

PSC said...

I am behind on reading updates. Your kids are getting so big!