Tuesday, January 19, 2010

German turns 4!

We had a rip-roarin' good time at German's Fourth Birthday Cowboy Bash. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Hallberg's Christmas gifts for the boys we had the party pretty well planned. We made paper bag vests with sheriff badges, then we had some tough horse races, lassoed a calf, went to the shooting range, and had a bean eating contest. We finished the party off with some chili and ice cream sandwiches. My favorite game was the shooting range- we had set up some cans with strings attached and placed them at a distance on a box, then when the kids would make their bullet firing sound a dad would pull the string on one of the cans to make it fall. The kids were amazed at how their gun could do that, until Emily figured it out!
I was pretty excited when G said he wanted a cowboy party because I had purchased these ice cream sandwich molds at Williams-Sonoma years ago on clearance and I finally had reason to use them. Joshua mostly made them- he got excited each time one would come out perfectly. (Sorry N's that you didn't make it into any of the photos.)


Angie said...

Very, very cute. I love the picture of Josh and the other grown men riding the stick horses! And the shooting range idea is very clever. Good work!

hillari said...

Isaac had a great time at the party! I finally got around to finding your blog! Very cute. I'm impressed that German was in a soccer class. Where did you guys do that?