Saturday, April 26, 2008

Eli is Getting Bigger...

Our little Eli is growing up. The doctor told me the other day that I had the okay to start solids whenever I want - how can that be, he's still a baby? You can see in the picture that he's reaching for the ball, which he loves. Eli loves to stand (reminds me of how Uncle Adam was as a baby) and he's working on sitting - it won't be long. We sure love this little bundle of joy and he loves us in return. I often find him watching his brother and laughing at his jokes.


Harvey Family said...

It is always a happy/sad feeling when they start growing up and learning new things. I love watching Jeffrey teach Brigham things. It is so sweet! Eli is a cutie!

Callie. said...

He is getting so cute. It really is crazy (and a little sad) how fast the months go by!