Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Heat is Back!

In an attempt to stay cool, I purchased this little kiddie-pool for the boys to use on our back porch. They were so excited and entertained for nearly an hour! I think the main virtue to this versus the bath tub is that they were allowed to dump and splash water out of the pool - heaven to a small boy. The best part for me is that I could sit inside on my rocking chair in the a/c and watch through the glass door. We all had a nice afternoon - plus, Eli was so tired from playing that he took an extraordinarily long nap.


Callie. said...

fun! Well, you already have heat, but it is still freezing here in Oregon. I am starting to think it never actually gets warm. Maybe we could switch off for a couple weeks?

Angie said...

Those boys are adorable!!! I wish I could kiss them now - if German would let me near him of course! Hang in there Juice - we miss you guys!

Angie said...

Look at those super-cute towheads!
So glad I can take a peek at your cool family.
Good luck with those last yucky weeks of pregnancy!