Sunday, May 25, 2008

Photos of the Week

It's difficult to decipher that this is something other than German playing on his wagon while wearing Joshua's hard hat, but it is actually German riding his motorcycle with his helmet on! If you had been lucky enough to be me, he would have told you that he was carrying his lunch and wallet and that he was on his way to work (German is a big fan of his Gag- that's German for Dad). This boy has such an imagination!
This isn't Eli's best photo, but you can see that he's on his tummy- which despite the worried look on his face is his preferred place to be so he can see what's going on! Because he can't quite crawl yet, he's developed a system for mobility- he turns on his side then twists his body a bit and then flops back on his stomach, having moved a few inches forward in the process.


Harvey Family said...

Your boys are adorable! I love Eli's little face in that cute!

Love your new background too! I love the LeeLou blogs...they are so fun!

Have a great day!

Angie said...

It totally melted Joel's heart to see that he has instilled a love of (motor)cycles in German! Ha! We missed you guys at the annual BBQ in Boise!