When we found out there was going to be a parade in AZ we planned to definitely be there! Due to the excessive heat warnings we rarely get a down-home parade! This had the potential for a great parade - If only it had a few more than 2 junior high marching bands and a lot fewer "train your daughter early how to sell herself" dance groups.
Here are some of our

Eli's choice - because he continues to dream about one day receiving a light saber!

This is a random photo of German taken that same day, showing his first painting of an actual something.

Joshua's choice - no explanation needed.
Scotland informed us of every animal in or around the parade and went nuts over these little goats.
You'll see that there is no photo of my fav, so please try to visualize 40 elderly ladies in cheer leading uniforms marching and dancing with their pom-poms to popular show tunes - WOW!