We started packing our stuff and children about mid-May and finally closed the last week of May. Since then our time has been spent unpacking and mostly repairing a less than functional sprinkler system.
Our house has three of these niches (in varying sizes), which I think are way cool, but I have nothing interesting to put in them, except children, so time will tell what happens there.
Also, this 'yard' looked beautiful when we walked the house in May, but the June heat and lack of sprinklers make it look like a weed mess- it kind of depresses me. So, if you have any ideas please submit them. There will be no prize given, but entries are greatly appreciated. (This message goes out specifically to Stephanie W. - I hope you still check my blog!)
Tell Eli we miss him in the Nursey.
The house looks good! We'd love to come see it. You should probably call me again b/c i might be possible that I lost your new phone number. :)
Ha ha! It's a good thing you put in that specific request to me, otherwise I wouldn't have thought to even comment. :) But I do still read the blog. I get your updates in Google reader (love that thing). I think you have to figure out the function of the space first. Would this be a fabulous place for your boys to play? Or is it more an adult area that you would only want to visit when kids are sleeping? It looks to me like it might be a great area for boys to play. If it is, I suggest grass, or some kind of soft wood chips. Small benches just their size... You could even put a sandbox in there. Perhaps do a Japanese Zen type style? You could make a mini wooden bridge and do topiary plants... that requires maintenance though. But it looks like the rest of your yard will need pruning (I love what they did with it) so you better invest now in some pruning sheers and get into it. :) Another idea is to put in some very thin, tall pines like Cedars of Lebanon. Just ask your local Nursery for those or something similar. They would look cool against the wall. Is that enough ideas? :)
Love the niches :) A friend of mine here in OK has several of those... great time out spots ;) They also look great with the tall vases... that could be scary with three busy boys though... good luck with the yard!
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