Sunday, June 20, 2010

Good Times and Nasty Pizza

This was all German's own idea: the parking lot at the airport (get it? all the levels of parking.) He aborted the plan after Scotland caused an earthquake and none of the cars would hold still!

We treated the boys to some fun at Peter Piper Pizza (luckily we had a coupon for free pizza, because it was far less than desirable to eat!) They had a blast! Doesn't Scot's face look great? I think he really enjoyed being one of the guys.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What we've been up to...

Here you go dad- a couple pictures of our house and a few of our boys:

We started packing our stuff and children about mid-May and finally closed the last week of May. Since then our time has been spent unpacking and mostly repairing a less than functional sprinkler system.

Our house has three of these niches (in varying sizes), which I think are way cool, but I have nothing interesting to put in them, except children, so time will tell what happens there.

Also, this 'yard' looked beautiful when we walked the house in May, but the June heat and lack of sprinklers make it look like a weed mess- it kind of depresses me. So, if you have any ideas please submit them. There will be no prize given, but entries are greatly appreciated. (This message goes out specifically to Stephanie W. - I hope you still check my blog!)