Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Big News...

Joshua and I have decided that we should definetly be saving our money and increasing our food storage so that when the time comes we can afford to feed THREE teenage BOYS! We once saw a young guy at In-n-Out Burger eating 4 cheeseburgers and now we imagine ourselves ordering and asking for a dozen burgers! Oh well - these boys give us far more joy and laughs than the money we would save by not having them.


Ginger said...

Congrats Julie! My fourth boy is coming next week and everyone tells me that I'm lucky because boys are easier than girls. So I guess you're lucky too. Yea!

Reid and Brittney said...

Congrats!!! That is so awesome, we are way excited for you. Three boys will be fun!!! We find out in 3 weeks what we are having!!! Hope everything is going great.

Kara said...

congratulations!!!!! At least you will save money now by not having to buy girl stuff :-)

queenann said...

Wow. Congratulations and good luck.

Angie said...

Yay! Now the next one needs to be a girl so you can have exactly the opposite of us!?! At least you won't have to worry about the name Libby! :)I'm so excited for you guys!

Marily said...

Those boys will be such great friends when they are teenagers. Congrats! And are boys really more expensive? Well, what would I know.... :)

Tiffani said...

Yea for 12 cheeseburgers! Especially since 10 years from now they'll cost six bucks a piece! Oh, and yea for another boy! See you at the park in an hour.

Nancy said...

I only have my one little boy... but I love him to pieces!! I can't imagine 3 boys especially with all that energy but knowing my luck, that's what I'll end up with too!! Girls are too emotional anyway.

Callie. said...

oh my goodness, that is so exciting! Congratulations to all of you. Yes, you will definitely have to plan for a huge grocery bill. At least you can save money on clothes, right? Congrats again!

Stephanie said...

Another boy! That's so crazy. You'll do it so well, though. How exciting! And what are the name options this time around? You should consider Hercules. Parley won't let me use it. :)
I love In-n-out burger. I so miss the states...

Dr. Zakir Ali Rajnish said...
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