Friday, January 9, 2009

It's Official...

Probably the biggest news we have to announce is that of the future arrival of baby #3 sometime in early July!


Callie. said...

Congratulations, you guys! That is so wonderful! So how close will Eli and baby #3 be then? 18 months or something? How exciting. I hope your pregnancy is going well for you.

queenann said...

WoW! Congrats. What a busy Mama you will be. How's the pregnancy going? Not sick?

Nancy said...

Congrats! I'm very excited for you!

Ginger said...

Hi Julie.... so yeah, I've been meaning to tell you now for a while that I found your blog and have been blog-stalking you. It's all good, right? Anyway, I just want to tell you congratulations on #3! Don't let people scare you. Going from 2 to 3 really isn't a big deal. It's mostly the same, just more noise. You sure have a cute little family.

Stephanie said...

Yeay for more babies! That's exciting. :)

Stapletons said...

Yea!! Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie:
I found Joel on FB (via Tandi) and he sent me your blog info! HI! Congrats on baby #3! You look really happy! Remember when we were writing MisAdventures of Spike and you poked me in the eye with the brown colored pencil? lol. Oh yeah, and somehow Mr. Chansler ending up blaming me?I came across the book the other day and thought of you. I hope all is well!
~Amanda Brandon (Hartford)

Joshua G. Clark Family said...

AMANDA!!! I want your contact information! You have no idea how much I've searched for you. Here's my email:

Harvey Family said...

Congrats! So exciting! You will be one busy fun!